Pastor Wade and Cynthia Moran are the Founding and Lead Pastors of Emerge Church. Pastor Wade attended Gulf States Bible College in Baker, LA and received a Ministry Degree in Pastoral Studies in 2001. For eleven years, they served as youth pastors at their home church, Household of Faith in Gonzales, Louisiana. As youth pastors they started a ministry intern program and launched a second youth church in a neighboring town. In 2010, they began to pursue their dream of planting a life-giving church. After visiting several cities, they decided that God was calling them to Tallahassee, FL to plant Emerge Church.
Pastor Wade and Cynthia enjoy college football, especially cheering for their LSU Tigers. They have 3 children, Elijah, Judah, and Ellah Pearl. They love Tallahassee and have a passion to help people live out Godʼs plans for their lives.