We invite you to join us as we intentionally press in for the next 7 days to pray for this new season of our church.
If you’re new to prayer, this is a simple guide to follow. If you’re a prayer veteran, this is a good resource that will bring a renewal to your prayer perspective. Over the next 7 days, set aside a specific time each day to devote to prayer, worship, and Bible reading. We encourage you to follow the suggested reading for each day and write down your thoughts about it. You may even want to share what God puts on your heart with someone. Whatever has been on your mind, whatever you’re worried about, pray about it. But let’s also ask God to do some miracles, let’s pray some dangerous prayers. Let’s believe God for an outpouring of His spirit in our church.
Here’s our hope; that we all get closer to God and we will see Him move in our lives, our families, and our church!
Today’s Verse
James 4:8 Come close to God, and God will come close to you.
Maybe it’s been a while, or maybe you’ve just become routine in your walk with God. He wants us to come close. We all live busy lives and it’s easy for all of the “busy”-ness to become distractions that can create a distance between you and God. Today is the day to return to Him. In fact, He’s been waiting for you. He wants nothing more than a relationship with you. So, no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, He wants you to come close.
Today, take some time to identify some distractions in your life that are keeping you from spending time with God. Makes some changes so that you can not only come close, but stay close to Him.
Suggested Reading
Isaiah 55
Today’s Verse
Psalms 95:2 Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to Him.
When we come to God, our usual approach is to quickly say we’re sorry and ask God to forgive us for anything wrong we have done. While forgiveness and right standing with God is very important, giving God thanks and worshipping Him is just as important. When we come to God, we should come to Him by giving thanks for all He has done for us, and praising Him for who He is. By doing this, we divert attention away from ourselves and direct our focus on Him. Instead of dwelling on our problems and everything that is wrong, our mind is set on Him and our perspective can be renewed.
Today, consider all that you can be thankful for. Take some time to give God thanks for all of the good things in your life.
Suggested Reading
1 Chronicles 29:10-20
Today’s Verse
Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
One of the most common things we pray for is God’s will. We have connected knowing His will with figuring it all out. While we may pray for His will, deep down we really want our way. The prayer for God’s will is actually a prayer of alignment. It’s aligning ourselves with who God is and what He wants to do. Simply put, He is in the driver’s seat. That puts us in the place to completely trust Him. And that’s what He wants for you and I more than anything. Trusting Him is how we overcome our need for control. So, consider that when you pray and ask God for His will to be done, you’re praying a prayer to relinquish control of that situation and trust Him completely for the outcome.
Today, consider the things you’re trying to control. As you ask for God’s will to be done, align your heart and mind with His good intentions for you. Trust Him, He knows what He is doing!
Suggested Reading
Ephesians 1:3-14
Today’s Verse
Philippians 4:19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
We all have needs, and we work hard to take care of as much as we can. We depend on ourselves, we depend on other people. But there are some things that are just beyond our capacity. Let’s admit it, we need help. That’s the hardest part, asking for help. For some reason, it implies we didn’t do our part well enough to deserve help. But that’s not how God works. He’s our Father, and He wants us to depend on Him for everything. But He also wants us to be faithful with what we have been given. So, no matter if you need wisdom, or if you need financial help, or even if you need a friend – God’s got you! So, ask for it, whatever it is. He wants to hear your prayer.
Today, what are your needs? Make a list, and begin to tell the Lord all of it. Don’t be afraid to ask Him for help.
Suggested Reading
Matthew 6:25-34
Today’s Verse
Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord
Have you ever felt like you needed a refresh button for your life? Chances are, there’s probably some things in your life that need to change. However, change doesn’t come very easy for us. That’s because we try to change things in our life, but in reality, we are the ones that need to change. We really need our heart to change and our mind to change. That’s what repentance is all about – real change from the inside-out! It’s very important that we understand that repentance is spiritual, but it has ramifications on our mind, body, and soul. In other words, repentance leads to refreshing. There’s probably some things that are coming to mind right now that need to change. And you’re probably making plans to change them. But before you do, know that God already has a plan. He says to confess your sins to Him and He will forgive them. And out of a forgiven heart and a renewed perspective, take some steps to change your actions. Remember that it’s by His grace and mercy that we are being changed!
Suggested Reading
Luke 15:11-24
Today’s Verse
Luke 17:4 Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.”
There are some people who really just get to us. Maybe it’s something they said or did that has caused us to hold a grudge against them. And as much as we try to justify our disgrace towards them, we are in need of grace for what we may have said or done to others. Carrying a grudge can become exhausting, and it’s not the way God intended for us to live. You see, unforgiveness isn’t a matter of what they did to you, it’s how we respond to what they did. And it actually exposes our heart for who we are. Forgiveness is a flow that comes from God into our hearts, but it also must flow from our heart towards others. And when we hold on to grudges, we can stop the flow. The forgiven must be forgiving! Is forgiveness still flowing into and out of your life?
Today, as you think about people who have hurt you, make the decision to pray for them and ultimately forgive them. It may be really tough at first, but it will definitely begin a healing process in your soul.
Suggested Reading
Matthew 18:21-35
Today’s Verse
Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”
Sometimes, we face some really challenging situations, whether it’s a diagnosis, a relational difficulty, or some other life challenge. No matter what it is, we are confronted with what looks impossible. Our human mind cannot comprehend how to change it or how it will be resolved. Our confidence is shaken; our hope is deferred and we are left praying for a miracle. It can be defeating, even as a believer to try to fight through the disappointment and discouragement. Instead of exhausting ourselves, analyzing the situation from every angle, we must remember that GOD IS ABLE! Call on the name of the Lord, even if you feel broken and unworthy. We can come to God with confidence because He is the God of the impossible. Don’t allow the discouragement to keep you from praying dangerous prayers. Ask God to do the miracle you need!
Suggested Reading
Ephesians 3:12-20